Digital Notification InfoBoards
OneVue Notify InfoBoard
When Seconds Count
Whether for critical alerts, general messaging, or even managing time, the OneVue Notify InfoBoard™ solutions bring visual notification to your facility, especially in busy and noisy environments. In addition, visual notification provides a means of communicating to the hearing impaired.
The average response time for emergency services in the USA is ten minutes. Most critical events are over in less than five minutes. OneVue Notify™ InfoBoard™ solutions help to alert entire buildings and campuses of critical situations in seconds, to help bring people to safety until emergency respondents arrive.
Invest in safety. During a fire, active shooter or critical weather emergency, seconds can make a difference. Speed up notifications in critical situations to help save lives.
- Keep students and staff aware and safe faster
- Visual messaging provides an extra layer of notification in critical situations
- Band and Choir rooms may not hear overhead announcements, or text alerts
- General messaging for events
- Use of bell controller keeps staff and students in sync and on time
Learn how one high school has implemented the Notify InfoBoard to enhance its emergency response plan and communications throughout the campus.
OneVue Notify is the easy-to-use visual messaging and critical alert solution. This integrated platform allows administrators and executives to synchronize their critical communications and get messages out quickly in an emergency.
Using an expandable ecosystem of InfoBoard solutions, transmitters, bell controllers, and cloud-based software, the entire system can also be configured to work in power and network outages.
Discover the real-world benefits of OneVue Notify, both for day-to-day administration and critical situations.